ゲームの概要 - about this game -



The time is Japan in the 1500s.
The game is such that the player chooses a specific force from among the Sengoku warlords and expands their territory. It's a goal.

The aim is to achieve the target number of attacks. When the number of bases reaches the target number, the game will begin
The game will also end if your force's bases become 0.

キー操作 - key operation -

W↑ マップやカーソルなどの上移動
A← マップやカーソルなどの左移動
S↓ マップやカーソルなどの下移動
D→ マップやカーソルなどの右移動

Z/enter 決定キー
X/space キャンセルキー
L ナビゲーションマップの表示/非表示

shift メニュー画面

[1] ログパネル
[2] ターン進行
[3] 野外ユニット
[4] 交易
[5] 建設
[6] 外交
[7] 全体状況
[t] 商品価格

W↑ Move up the map, cursor, etc.
A← Move the map, cursor, etc. to the left
S↓ Move down the map, cursor, etc.
D → Move the map, cursor, etc. to the right

Z/enter confirmation key
X/space cancel key
L Show/hide navigation map

shift menu screen

Shortcut keys (keyboard side only)
[1] Log panel
[2] Turn progression
[3] Outdoor unit
[4] Trade
[5] Construction
[6] Diplomacy
[7] Overall situation
[t] Product price

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